SLA Key Initiatives
Breakfast with Santa is an event hosted by the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated each year. Breakfast with Santa affords an opportunity for children in economically disadvantaged areas to enjoy the spirit of Christmas. Breakfast with Santa is more than a hot breakfast; it provides children in underserved communities with hope during the holiday season. Children, ages 12 and under, have an opportunity to meet Santa, receive breakfast, and select a toy from Santa’s workshop.

During the pandemic, the Breakfast with Santa Committee implemented the Secret Santa Program. The committee supported pregnant mothers ages 16-21 at Almost Home by fulfilling their Amazon Wishlist to assist with purchases for first apartments and baby items. The Holiday Hearts Program at the Crisis Nursery was supported with donations of gift cards and books provided by the Dive into Books with Delta Committee, and also Haven of Grace, an agency that empowers young women to overcome obstacles and achieve stability for themselves and their children received donations. The committee adopts families by providing toy bags, diapers and toiletry items along with age-appropriate literature, provided by Dive into Books with Delta.

The Community Awareness and Involvement committee is one of the charitable arms of the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter that provides support services to the communities we serve. The committee focuses on hunger and homelessness.
The Committee provides services to the communities we serve with opportunities and assistance to teenage mothers; information/forums on domestic violence, holiday gifts and fun activities for young people as well as senior citizens.
The committee has identified several organizations and programs that could benefit from the chapter’s support.
- Angel Tree received gift cards for children with incarcerated parents
- Seniors of Wesley House received DST COVID Care packages and holiday gifts
- Our Little Haven received essential care items.
The Covenant House STL-Sleep Out
Sleep Out is an international movement to end youth homelessness. Nineteen sorors from the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated volunteered to sleep out in support of this effort.
Congratulations to the Community Awareness and Involvement committee for exceeding their fundraising goal of $1913 by more than three times for a total donation of $6,598.