Delta Twinkles
Seeing a need in the community for a program that would reach young girls before peer pressure and anxiety had taken a hold on them, the St. Louis Alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. created the Delta Twinkles program for girls aged 6-10.
About Us
The principal objective of Delta Twinkles is exemplified through the P.E.A.R.L.S. acronym: Promote Education, the Arts, Responsibility, Leadership and Service.
Through our P.E.A.R.L.S. for Girls initiative, the girls participate in community service projects to encourage helping others. Our motto is “Twinkles Changing the World by Volunteering, Participating and Giving.” By providing girls with an opportunity to give of themselves at a young age, we hope to foster within them an eternal sense of community.
Promoting Education
The Twinkles program is full of opportunities for the girls to enhance their skills and knowledge base. Components like Black History and International Awareness give each girl the chance to learn new, exciting things that they may not otherwise have learned. One activity even offered them a chance to meet and learn from astronaut and soror Joan Higginbotham – and learn about careers in science and technology.
Promoting the Arts
The monthly Twinkles meetings are always full of activities involving the arts. Field trips to local art galleries and exhibits occur each program year, along with the occasional theatre outing.
Leadership and Service
The Twinkles are leaders and servants in everything that they do. Each activity has a community service aspect, as well as an opportunity for each girl to build self-esteem and leadership skills.
-Delta Twinkles 2023 – 2024 Application