Youth Initiatives
St. Louis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority provides several opportunites for youths to get involved in their personal growth and community. The focus of the St. Louis Alumnae Youth Initiatives is to promote the development of young girls and boys from diverse backgrounds in a safe and healthy environment. Youth Initiatives are designed to address the need for excellence in education and to help nuture youths to become future leaders.
Please visit any of the links below to learn more about our youth initiatives.
Delta Gems – GEMS is a natural outgrowth and expansion for the continuation of the highly successful “Dr. Betty Shabaaz Delta Academy: Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow”, Delta GEMS was created to “catch the dreams” of African American high school aged girls 14-18. Delta GEMS provides the frame work to actualize those dreams through performance of specific tasks that develop a “CAN DO” attitude. Learn More
Delta Academy – Delta Academy is a program for young girls ages 11-14 who are interested in developing their potential to succeed. This program, sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., St. Louis Alumnae Chapter is designed to enhance the lives of our African-American young ladies by providing them with role models of adult women in non-traditional careers, and meaningful opportunities for community service and leadership. Learn More
Twinkles – Seeing a need in the community for a program that would reach young girls before peer pressure and anxiety had taken a hold on them, the St. Louis Alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. created the Delta Twinkles program for girls aged 6-10. The principal objective of Delta Twinkles is exemplified through the P.E.A.R.L.S. acronym: Promote Education, the Arts, Responsibility, Leadership and Service. Learn More